Service Delivery

CleanPeak’s consistent delivery of high-quality solutions comes from our commitment to a strong, deeply embedded service model.

Clean Evidence

CleanPeak has been providing high-quality cleaning services across Australia and New Zealand since 1998. We have steadily grown our deployable workforce to be over 1000 employees strong, all comprehensively trained in quality, health and safety, risk management, and environmentally sustainable practices. Our expertise in cleaning is proven by our long-standing client relationships and depth of experience across multiple industries.

Clean Quality

Quality assurance is pivotal to any service-oriented organisation. Our Quality management system is accredited to ISO 9001-2015.

We have developed a robust quality assurance system that ensures we deliver consistent standards of service, and solidifies the longstanding working relationships we have built with our partners.

To achieve our quality assurance outcomes, we implement:

  • Site-specific cleaning rosters, cleaning specifications, and cleaning program
  • Frequent and open communication with our staff and our clients ensures any concerns raised by our clients can be addressed as a matter of urgency
  • Routine on-site inspections and auditing of cleaning standards by our Area Management team – We have a unique quality control program that is tailored for each site (iAuditor), which allows for immediate identification and resolution of any potential cleaning obstacles that our supervisors and cleaning technicians implement, to ensure we are maintaining the site to our business partner’s expectations and requirements
  • Embrace innovations and innovative technology to ensure we are constantly enhancing our service delivery
  • Routine on-site visits by Supervisors during specified cleaning times – This ensures quality control, additional training and cleaning specifications are completed to and exceed expectations
  • Evolution and evaluation – we understand the dynamic, changing environment that our business partners work within, as these environments evolve, therefore so does our staff service delivery model

Clean Culture

Great people are at the heart of great service. All of our employees go through rigorous background checks and skill assessments that prove their commitment to CleanPeak’s standards of practice. We provide ongoing training and formal performance reviews to foster employee growth and to retain our skilled workers. What’s more, we strive to create a culture of inclusion and are proud of our engagement with Māori and First Nations people within our managerial structure.

Clean Record

Thanks to our robust Health and Safety policy, we are pleased to boast a zero-incident record for workplace health and safety within our company. Our internal policy takes actions to protect all parties against injury, risk or illness whilst creating a caring and supportive work environment. We are serious about conforming to legislative requirements and our practices are accredited to Australia and New Zealand Food Safety standards across the board. Our risk and hazard reduction practices are compliant with GMP, HACCP, and EFSIS auditing.

Clean Objective

We share a vision of sustainability and recognise the importance of environmental protection in the workplace. Our objective for a clean future means that we minimise water usage, use energy-efficient equipment, engage only with eco-conscious suppliers, and reduce noise pollution for surrounding areas. Our environmental management system is accredited to ISO 14001 standards, and we pass benefits onto our clients, as the resultant reduction of waste to landfill nets an overall saving in cost and ensures we are supporting and helping our communities.

Our Environmental Approach

We share a vision of sustainability and recognise the importance of environmental protection in the workplace. Our objective for a clean future means that we minimise water usage, use energy-efficient equipment, engage only with eco-conscious suppliers and reduce noise pollution for surrounding areas.

The benefits of our environmentally minded services extend to our clients, as the resultant reduction of waste to landfill nets an overall saving in cost. We only purchase cleaning chemicals from accredited manufacturers with the same robust quality control systems and environmental vision as our own. We provide Material Safety Data Sheets for each product that we use and are continuously working with our supply chain to develop new products that meet our clients’ needs.

We own our actions. All of our interactions, services and compliance is recorded and made traceable through our online management systems. We leave a visible paper trail to avoid finger-pointing and avoidance, and instead, focus on prevention and consistency of service. CleanPeak is committed to implementing and maintaining global best practice initiatives and innovations regarding all aspects of environmental sustainability. Our environmental management system is accredited to ISO 14001-2015. 


  • Conversion of our current fleet of vehicles to hybrids by 2026
  • 50% Reduction in total emissions by 2026
  • Reduction of all paper and cardboard consumption
  • Promoting recycled consumable products to all of our business partners
  • Performing our part to reduce our carbon footprint
  • Using recycled plastics
  • Tracking and tracing of all washroom hygiene waste

Sustainability Goals

CleanPeak is committed to assisting and delivering our corporate sustainability goals and aspirations. We are passionate about operating in a sustainable environment as is evidenced by our processes and actions. We have developed innovative solutions and effective solutions for reducing the environmental footprint of our operations, including:

  • An integrated recycling and waste management protocol to maximise landfill diversions
  • Microfiber cleaning and on-site laundry to sustainably minimise chemical us
  • Deployment of GECA-certified cleaning products to minimise harmful chemicals
  • Sustainable work method statements to minimise power and water consumption

Prior to contract ‘kick-off’, we will develop a tailored ‘Portfolio Sustainable Cleaning Plan’ that will outline the goals, methods targets and responsibilities for reducing the cleaning environmental footprint at each of your sites.

Environmental and waste management system

The optimal waste management and recycling system varies from building to building, according to many criteria:
  • Location and types of bins
  • Education and motivation
  • Volumes and streams of waste produced
  • Targets for waste reduction and recycling
  • Size, location and configuration of the building waste area
  • Waste removal contractors engaged
  • Waste recycling facilities available
CleanPeak are experts in engaging with key stakeholders to design, implement and manage highly effective waste management systems that achieve higher recycling levels.

Our approach to OHS

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and clients.

Our OHS management system is accredited to ISO 4501-2018.

We recognise that maintaining the highest possible standards of health and safety is a key management responsibility and a measure of our success as an organisation.

In fulfilling these aims, we recognise the value of employee input to the process and we are therefore committed to ongoing consultation with staff on health and safety issues.


To achieve this, we ensure all managers, supervisors and personnel are thoroughly trained in OHS Management and procedures. We:

  • Regularly consult with our team and our clients regarding health and safety issues and management
  • Have implemented a comprehensive maintenance programme to ensure all equipment and machinery operated by CleanPeak personnel meets the required health and safety standards
  • Routine on-site inspection and test and tagging electrical of all non-electrical and electrical cleaning equipment and machinery. This ensures we are meeting and exceeding all safety standards along with providing full working equipment on every site for each of our teams.
  • Ensure firm adherence to all OHS requirements, regulations and specifications in all areas of our business practice
  • Assist our clients to meet their compliance requirements by providing them with the peace of mind that documented hygienic cleaning processes are being followed
  • Are certified in ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices.

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