
CleanPeak provides the kind of high-quality service that Australia’s education system deserves and that parents and our communities rely upon.

We deliver regulated, compliant cleaning services that create safe and hygienic spaces for the Education sector.

With decades of experience working in the Education sector, CleanPeak understands the importance of reliable, safe service. We deploy quality-controlled resources, undertake regular audits, and provide consistent performance updates to our clients. Every CleanPeak employee that sets foot within your facility is experienced, well-trained, and fully qualified to perform at the highest standards of service.

A compliant, qualified, and trained team

All CleanPeak staff that work in or near an education facility are required to have current police and working with children checks. Additionally, our teams are professionally trained across the proper conduct and legislative requirements involved when working within educational facilities.

Servicing all levels
of Education

CleanPeak are experienced working across all levels of education, from early childhood to universities. The cleaning service we provide is customised in collaboration with our clients to deliver solutions and schedules unique to each institution, rather than cookie-cutter contracts. Whether you need to clean individual classrooms, large halls, walkways, or outdoor playgrounds, CleanPeak’s cleaning contracts are scalable to your requirements.

We service all sectors:

  • Tertiary
  • Secondary
  • Primary
  • Early Childhood
  • Private Institutes
  • Polytechnic

Full sanitisation and Covid cleaning services available

CleanPeak uses internationally recognised practices in SARS-CoV-2 pathogen elimination, contamination control and contact tracing, and are continually updating our technology and management protocols in the fight to create zero-infection workplaces. If you are at all concerned about pathogen control in your space, CleanPeak has a range of sanitisation services available that can significantly lower the risks of infection. You can read more about these services here.

The CleanPeak Approach

Our approach to building relationships with our clients is built on four pillars of service:

Considering all contexts



Planning appropriately


Tracking performance


Measuring success

What our clients say

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