
From stores and showrooms to supermarkets and mall complexes, CleanPeak ensures the best experiences for your customers and community.

With over 20 years of experience, CleanPeak’s Retail service delivery model has been refined to provide structured, quality-controlled hygienic solutions that ensure minimal disruption.

For every contract, CleanPeak applies a structured methodology to make certain our service remains at a high level of quality, safety and compliance to the hygiene regulations required of a public storefront. We stringently monitor the cleanliness of all surfaces, floors and shelves to ensure a spotless clean as well as follow rigorous sanitisation practices to create germ-free retail environments.

All of our cleaning and managerial staff are thoroughly trained and 100% committed to our service delivery model. We guarantee a high level of attention to detail, which we track through transparent quality assurance practices and detailed records of what we clean. Our expertise and hands-on experience over 20 years provides you with a tried and tested service delivery model giving you the assurance that every area of your retail space has been completely cleaned and sanitised following best in class cleaning practices whether it be a smaller standalone store or an entire supermarket chain.

Trolley Collection

As part of our all-in-one Retail cleaning contracts, we offer Trolley Collection services for supermarket complexes of all sizes. We have a large in-house team that is readily deployable to perform on-site collection, street-run pickups, and car park and trolley bay maintenance. Our team members are also trained across hygienic practices for public spaces, with full trolley decontamination being included in our collection service.

Full sanitisation and Covid cleaning services available

CleanPeak uses internationally recognised practices in SARS-CoV-2 pathogen elimination, contamination control and contact tracing, and are continually updating our technology and management protocols in the fight to create zero-infection workplaces. If you are at all concerned about pathogen control in your space, CleanPeak has a range of sanitisation services available that can significantly lower the risks of infection. You can read more about these services here.

The CleanPeak Approach

Our approach to building relationships with our clients is built on four pillars of service:

Considering all contexts



Planning appropriately


Tracking performance


Measuring success

What our clients say

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