
CleanPeak has decades of experience delivering cleaning services to healthcare facilities.

Our Healthcare cleaning services are tracked and regulated to ensure the provision of fully hygienic and disinfected environments.

With extensive experience delivering cleaning services in medical centres, consulting suites, and other healthcare facilities, CleanPeak understands the exceptionally high standards that are essential. Our service delivery is structured under ISO accredited management systems for quality and safety, and our teams operate within the strictest adherence to confidentiality, security and operational guidelines. We provide our staff with full training in proper sanitisation, disinfection, and the regulations involved when working in sensitive healthcare environments.

Full site evaluation

On award of contract, we audit your current operational and cleaning systems and undertake a full site evaluation. We use this information to develop a customised cleaning scope that details each task ensuring a comprehensive and consistent level of service. On approval, we then create in-depth work schedules and checklists to make certain every area is decontaminated and every surface hygienically cleaned.

An accountable workforce with specialised training

Our staff are trained on all high-risk activities, such as sharps handling, infection and germ control, and hazardous waste management. We keep accurate, daily records of site activity that provide full transparency and accountability, as well as use the data to improve processes and cost efficiency for our clients.

Full sanitisation and Covid cleaning services available

CleanPeak uses internationally recognised practices in SARS-CoV-2 pathogen elimination, contamination control and contact tracing, and are continually updating our technology and management protocols in the fight to create zero-infection workplaces. If you are at all concerned about pathogen control in your space, CleanPeak has a range of sanitisation services available that can significantly lower the risks of infection. You can read more about these services here.

The CleanPeak Approach

Our approach to building relationships with our clients is built on four pillars of service:

Considering all contexts



Planning appropriately


Tracking performance


Measuring success

What our clients say

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