Commercial / Industrial

CleanPeak provides a consistently high standard of service at competitive prices for our Commercial/Industrial clients.

We prioritise quality and compliance in our Industrial and Commercial Sector service, providing a deeply hygienic clean that is strictly monitored to meet Operational Health & Safety standards.

Recognising the need for a more stringent approach, CleanPeak offers specialised cleaning processes that specifically accommodate for the meticulous OH&S and factory floor standards in commercial / industrial workplaces. We collaborate with clients to design cleaning solutions that meet the specific requirements of facilities to deliver an organised, hygienic working environment that enhances operations and productivity.

A customisable service scalable across all facility sizes

We adapt our service to meet client needs, catering to floor cleaning requirements across a range of sizes and types of facilities. With a large deployable workforce available Australia-wide, we provide supervision and quality control on every contract, ensuring industry best-practices and equipment are always used.

Full sanitisation and Covid cleaning services available

CleanPeak uses internationally recognised practices in SARS-CoV-2 pathogen elimination, contamination control and contact tracing, and are continually updating our technology and management protocols in the fight to create zero-infection workplaces. If you are at all concerned about pathogen control in your space, CleanPeak has a range of sanitisation services available that can significantly lower the risks of infection. You can read more about these services here.

The CleanPeak Approach

Our approach to building relationships with our clients is built on four pillars of service:

Considering all contexts



Planning appropriately


Tracking performance


Measuring success

What our clients say

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