
With over 20 years of commercial cleaning experience, CleanPeak offers an immaculate standard of hygiene for the Hospitality sector.

CleanPeak provides a cleaning service compliant with workplace and food safety regulations while ensuring your venue remains tidy and professional in its appearance.

Everyone expects an immaculate standard of hygiene when they go out to eat or drink. CleanPeak ensures that this standard is always met. Our team is extensively and continuously trained in risk and hazard perception, Australian workplace safety standards, sanitisation practices, and proper cleaning techniques for the Hospitality sector. We provide full records of on-site activity, ensuring we maintain a level of compliant cleanliness that is crucial for upholding your venue’s reputation, as well as protecting the safety of your staff and customers.

Full scope,
scalable service

Whether it’s a one-off clean or a weekly contract, CleanPeak provides a high-quality, hygienic cleaning service to any venue in the Hospitality industry. We cater to hotels, pubs, bars, taverns, nightclubs, and more, offering scalable cleaning solutions across multiple sites as needed.

Reducing risk and representing your venue responsibly

We understand the role our team plays in the overall experience of your guests and patrons. CleanPeak ensures your premises are kept safe, clean and hygienic, holding all team members accountable for their behaviour and ensuring it is at the same level as your own staff. Operating under ISO accredited quality management systems, we provide a consistent level of service that proactively reduces risk in the workplace.

Full sanitisation and Covid cleaning services available

CleanPeak uses internationally recognised practices in SARS-CoV-2 pathogen elimination, contamination control and contact tracing, and are continually updating our technology and management protocols in the fight to create zero-infection workplaces. If you are at all concerned about pathogen control in your space, CleanPeak has a range of sanitisation services available that can significantly lower the risks of infection. You can read more about these services here.

The CleanPeak Approach

Our approach to building relationships with our clients is built on four pillars of service:

Considering all contexts



Planning appropriately


Tracking performance


Measuring success

What our clients say

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